2023/2024, 46 min.
Video Installation
In the fall of 2022, I embarked on a research trip (FAAP residency program) to Sao Paulo – the city with the largest Japanese community outside Japan – to trace the Japanese descendants’ complex feelings towards the motherland. Reflecting on my own experience as a Japanese woman living outside Japan, the research was carried out by interviewing various Japanese Brazilian women of different ages. These excerpts were juxtaposed with the footage of a popular Japanese shopping district called ‘Liberdade’ (liberty). Weaving paradoxical facts around liberty; the hopes and dreams of the first immigrants who searched for freedom in the new land and generational, gender, and family constraints in the immigrant community, the work unfolds the melancholic reality of mingling into other cultural contexts in the capitalist world.
The film title was taken from the ocarina music composed by my mother, which sets the tone for the entire journey of this film.
During the intermission of the film, shadows of lucky cats were projected from the back of the screen.
Installation view of materials that collectively reflect the story of the film.
a リベルダーデで購入した招き猫たち
b 母の絵本
母の趣味はオカリナで、友人と共にオカリーズというバンドを組んでいる。コロナ禍に、アイルランド人が新天地を探す旅に出る物語とそのテーマ曲をオカリナ用に作曲し、そこから私の手助けを得て、自費出版の絵本を完成させた。「Far Away Hopeful Grand Land」のタイトルはこの絵本から拝借し、彼女の楽曲も使用させてもらっている。
c リベルダーデで購入した扇
d 私の髪の毛