2016, 2018, 2023
photo collage
99×37 cm
Photographic paper, Acrylic frame
Maebashi is a city in Japan surrounded by mountains, thus, there is no horizon view. However, the popular Japanese children’s song “Sea” was composed in the city. Its lyrics praise the spectacular view of the sea and express the desire to go beyond the horizon. I took several photos of the largest (Akagi) mountain in the city and then cut them into small pieces. After that, I connected the pieces to create a flat-topped mountain. The horizontal line created by the mountain landscape gives the appearance of a seascape.
This work was reproduced to accompany ‘Far Away Hopeful Grand Land’, both of which look beyond the sea.
* 作詞:林柳波(群馬県沼田市)作曲:井上武士(群馬県勢多郡芳賀村(現在の前橋市)出身)
* この作品は、2016年アーツ前橋が運営する地域アートプロジェクトの滞在制作時に制作されました。
* This work was produced for the local art project( Artist in Residency) in Arts Maebashi.
After the residency program, this collage image was designed to be printed in bookmark format. On the front side of the bookmark, there is a horizontal line image, and the lyrics of the song “Sea” are printed on the backside.